No Paper Based Record Keeping In Queensland - Best Time To Try - VeriDoc LogBook - 30-Day Free Trial.
21 Dec 2020

Queensland is taking the necessary steps to keep safe by announcing changes for the better for how patrons provide contact details to businesses. Over the next 72 hrs, venues including pubs, clubs, restaurants, and cafes must move to digital record-keeping for contact details.
Paper-based record keeping will no longer be accepted in Queensland. If you are checking in at venues, you must provide your real name and contact details. Proper contact tracing is critical in making sure we can control outbreaks quickly and keep everyone safe.
VeriDoc Logbook solves these issues immediately.
Our newest finished product provides venue and business owners with a digital record of everyone visiting their venue, completely contactless and paper-free.
VeriDoc Logbook provides an automatic check-in solution for the whole family in seconds and we have removed the risk of fake mobile phone numbers being used so that your venue is 100% compliant. Multiple people from the same device, while quickly adding additional profiles to check-in visitors or children who do not have a mobile device. You only need to set up your profile once, scan, and go. No forms to fill out and Ad-free and your data ia safe and encrypted.
VeriDoc Logbook's QR code solutions are combined with pre-existing software and provide accurate quality reporting using details that can't be faked. Set up and customized to your needs, the software is flexible with how you conduct your business.
Please find out more today by visiting our product page and sign up for a free 30-day trial today.