VeriDoc Global

Verifiable E-Signature Solution with QR Code Verification


When deals move fast and trust is paramount, VeriDoc Sign helps you finalize agreements without delays or doubt. Built on the stable VeriDoc Ledger platform, each signature is tamper-proof, cost-effective, and globally verifiable. Our patented QR code technology lets you embed a verifiable code directly into your document—so anyone can scan it to confirm that the signed copy hasn’t been altered. Bypass courier delays and paper-based bottlenecks, and experience faster approvals backed by the strongest proof of authenticity.

Key Benefits

  1. Verifiable QR Codes: Drag and drop a unique, patented QR code onto any document. A quick scan confirms the document is exactly what was signed, reassuring all parties of its integrity.

  2. Faster Contract Closures: Secure e-signatures finalize deals in minutes, not days—saving you time and cutting administrative costs.

  3. Tamper-Proof Authenticity: Every signature is fully traceable on the blockchain, keeping you compliant with industry standards and safeguarding against fraud.

  4. Seamless Integration: Easily connect VeriDoc Sign to your CRM, ERP, or project management tools, streamlining adoption and minimizing disruption.

  5. Predictable Costs: No surprise charges—so you can scale your e-signature needs with confidence.

Real-World Impact

Want to see verified e-signatures in action? Check out our Documents Use-Case to learn how organizations streamline compliance and boost customer satisfaction with our verifiable QR code technology.

Next Steps

Ready to simplify signing and build trust in every agreement? Start your free trial at, or contact us to learn more. 

VeriDoc Global
VeriDoc Global
Unlimited Users

VeriDoc Sign charges only for envelopes, never for users. Add as many team members as you need — at no extra cost.

VeriDoc Global
Verifiable Audit Trail

Track every stage of your document’s lifecycle, from sending to final signing on the VeriDoc Ledger. Each file comes with a verification report, ensuring true transparency and easy audits.

VeriDoc Global
QR Code Verification

Scan the embedded QR code at any time to access a secure verification page, confirming the document’s authenticity. From there, you can easily download the valid finalised copy.

Take control of your e-signatures with VeriDoc Sign’s patented QR code verification, giving you tamper-proof confidence from start to finish. Start your free trial at to explore demos, success stories, and see how easily you can accelerate every agreement. Have questions or unique requirements? Contact us today.